Anyways, moving on. Thats not really the point of my story. The point is that when people did come in to make returns today at the service desk, they would leave their soaking wet bags and merchandise on the counter, causing everything at the service desk to just become soaked. I was constantly wiping it down today since every other person would complain about my wet counter. Even though they were also to blame for the wetness. So while I was furiously scrubbing at the countertop today, I thought about last holiday season, when this crazy lady approached me at the service desk.
During the holidays, everywhere in the store is completely busy. There is no way to escape the madness. And service desk this one day was no exception. At least I had one other person up there with me to help control the situations but everything was still a mess and the line was going out the door. I was standing at my register and called for the next person in line to step up.
This frazzled looking woman with two young kids practically stormed the service desk and threw a plastic bag at me with what looked to be filled with different sized towels.
"Are you returning these today?" I asked, trying not to raise my suspicions. Something about these towels just looked off.
"Yes," She said breathlessly. "I have my receipt. I just bought these this morning and I went home to wash them and when I took them out of the washer, I noticed that the towels were unraveling!"
Okay, fine. So you bough defective hand and bath towels. It happens, I can learn to deal with that. She had her receipt, so I thought, big deal. I return the towels and defect them out. At Target, we have a defective system with three different colored labels. Yellow defectives get sent back to the manufacturer (usually electronics, like DVD's and CD's), Green defectives get sent out to a donation center (like Goodwill), and Red defectives are thrown out. Usually when somebody returns defective towels they get sent to the donation center, so less fortunate people have the chance to use these items, even though they're slightly defective.
"Okay," I said to the woman. "I can return them if they're defective."
I take the receipt and the woman turns the bag upside down to dump out the contents. And thats when I realize all of the towels she had purchased were soaking wet. I mean, they were leaving ridiculously deep puddles on the service desk counter. What did she do? Realize when she took the towels out of her washer that they were unraveling, throw the kids in the car, and rush to Target, just to return them? Couldn't it have waited, oh I don't know, a day? I mean, we have a 90 day return policy! At least have the decency to dry the towels first! I couldn't believe this woman was handing me wet towels. I couldn't send these out as a green defective now, to a donation center. They would get all mildewy and smell gross. I had to override them to a red defective because I had no way to dry them. So now these towels that were only slightly defective and still could have been put to good use had to be thrown out. Some things just really irritate me! Its called common sense people. I suggest you grow a brain next time before you go to a store and do something that stupid.
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